Discuss what we mean in Metaphysics when we use the terms: reality, destinty of the universe, immortality of the soul, existance of God?

Read Book V, pp. 98-110. On p. 98-99 we find out how and why Plato’s work continues after justice has been found. His audience, Adeimantus, Polemarchus, Glaucon and even Thrasymarchus wants to know how his radical proposals would work out in this “just society,” proposals that are described as three “waves” in the pages that follow. Socrates deals with the answers to such questions as: How will women and children be shared among the guardians? Could women be rulers? Why must philosophers rule as kings?
Read pp. 110-116, to 509-d on p. 116. Pay attention to the contrasts between the visible world (perceived by sight) and the intellect’s capacity for insight (perceived by understanding). Thus there are two “realms,” one realm dealing with visible things and the other dealing with “intelligible” (knowable) realities. Plato thus gives us a dualistic vision of reality, the realm of the senses (the realm of appearances/becoming) and the spiritual/intelligible realm of being (where all is permanent, unchanging and perfect). Written assignment # 3: write an essay, perhaps one page in length, in which you compare Plato’s perspective to those found in one or more of the world’s religions.

Read Book V, pp. 98-110. On p. 98-99 we find out how and why Plato’s work continues after justice has been found. His audience, Adeimantus, Polemarchus, Glaucon and even Thrasymarchus wants to know how his radical proposals would work out in this “just society,” proposals that are described as three “waves” in the pages that follow. Socrates deals with the answers to such questions as: How will women and children be shared among the guardians? Could women be rulers? Why must philosophers rule as kings?
Read pp. 110-116, to 509-d on p. 116. Pay attention to the contrasts between the visible world (perceived by sight) and the intellect’s capacity for insight (perceived by understanding). Thus there are two “realms,” one realm dealing with visible things and the other dealing with “intelligible” (knowable) realities. Plato thus gives us a dualistic vision of reality, the realm of the senses (the realm of appearances/becoming) and the spiritual/intelligible realm of being (where all is permanent, unchanging and perfect). Written assignment # 3: write an essay, perhaps one page in length, in which you compare Plato’s perspective to those found in one or more of the world’s religions.